We are THANKFUL for the Opportunity to GIVE
Gratitude is a return on investment in good relationships.
The Rosie’s Creative team is especially grateful to work with some of the most generous, driven and passionate organizations in our pursuit to provide both professional and social service. These organizations make the world a better place, and give us the opportunity to do the same by sharing in their work.
Here is a look at some of our favorite causes that we’ve been privileged to support with our work:
Julie Community Center
A community organization focused on working in southeast Baltimore, the Julie Community Center assists those with low or fixed incomes in finding programs and additional resources to survive and thrive. Founded by the Sisters of Notre Dame in 1975 and incorporated as a non-profit in 1976, the JCC provides programs that empower, enrich and educate children and teens, give food support to households, and help people find better employment and social support resources.
Found in Faith Ministries
The mission of Found in Faith is to provide furnishing and home goods in a setting that recognizes universal human dignity. Individuals in need can shop among donations to find suitable furniture and household tools. Found in Faith helps families make homes of their houses, no matter the circumstances in which families find themselves.
Saving the Blue
A marine conservation and sciences organization, Saving the Blue provides opportunities to participate in oceanic observation, science, exploration, and uses the data from those opportunities to inform scientific studies, reports for advocacy, and build an educational program that helps people utilize the scientific opportunities Saving the Blue provides. Combined with their outreach to communities, Saving the Blue is doing tremendous work to restore and maintain the health of our water.
Bimini Biological Field Station
Founded in 1990, and alternatively called SharkLab, the facility focuses on expanding our understanding of marine life, and especially sharks and rays. SharkLab then shares the information to raise public awareness of sharks and rays, and environmental concerns around them. This includes changing the narrative around sharks as ruthless maneaters, to amazing hunters who require training, respect and care to observe and interact with.
Rosie’s Creative thanks all of these organizations for the opportunities they’ve provided us to do good work for the world. And we thank all of you for the good you find to do every day to make each others’ lives easier. Helping each other is how we all succeed and help our communities thrive, and we’re here to grow our community alongside our friends and neighbors, making the world a friendlier and more supportive place.