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E-Commerce and Data Security

Four Key Points for a Successful Security in 2021

The new year is here at last, and we’re sure you’re as ready as we are to finally turn the page on 2020, a year of strife and challenge like no other. With the worst public health crisis in a century triggering a cascade of disruption and economic carnage the world over, small and independent businesses were left scrambling to adjust – and with the pandemic sparking an accelerated shift towards online retail, many now find themselves looking to expand their digital footprint and boost their investment in e-commerce to kick off 2021.

The quicker-than-expected shift from brick-and-mortar to online retail represents both challenge and opportunity for small businesses – but also provides a target-rich environment for hackers, trolls, cybercriminals, and other bad actors looking to prey on poorly secured websites.

So, if branching out into e-commerce sits atop your “to-do list” for 2021, a quick rundown of issues pertaining to data security is in order. Let’s go over a few key points…

Building a Solid Foundation: Web Hosting and Site Security
Choosing a web host isn’t the most flashy or exciting aspect of launching a new website, but it’s a consequential decision nonetheless – so it pays to do your homework and find a hosting service that meets your needs. With features like network monitoring, virus protection, firewall support, and automated site backups, a reliable, secure web host will provide valuable peace of mind and put your new site on a solid foundation.

Safeguarding Sensitive Data: HTTPS and Security Certificates
By their very nature, e-commerce sites deal with a ton of sensitive data. So, ensuring that your site is configured to use the secure HTTPS protocol backed by a valid security certificate is an absolute must. A security certificate uses sophisticated encryption algorithms to scramble data being sent over the web, making it much more difficult for hackers and crooks to steal valuable data or wreak havoc on your site.

Customizing Your Site’s Security: The Power of WordPress Plugins
If you’re looking for an e-commerce site with robust functionality and ample room for growth, WordPress is the way to go – and a big reason why is the versatility and adaptability that have made it the dominant content management system on the market. Key to WordPress’ impressive flexibility is the dizzying array of plugins at your disposal, and of course, many are geared towards site security, boasting features like malware detection, DDOS protection, support for two-factor authentication, and more.

Reassuring Your Customers: The Importance of Privacy and Data Policies
Securing your website and safeguarding your customers’ data may be largely an “under the hood” affair – but with surveys consistently showing security worries as a leading factor in cart abandonment, there’s no reason to be shy about making your efforts visible to potential customers. Reassure site visitors by prominently displaying the trust seal associated with your security certificate, and make sure your security and privacy policies are easy to find – and written in plain English.

Are you ready to put 2020 in the rear view once and for all, and kick off the new year with a dazzling new e-commerce site? Rosie’s Creative is here to help. Contact us today to get started – and remember, with Rosie’s Creative, your first consultation is always free!

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