New Year’s Resolutions for Online Marketing
The holiday season is in full swing, and a brand new year is right around the corner. That means if you’re like a lot people, you’re probably taking some time right now to set goals and rearrange priorities for the year to come. While we here at Rosie’s Creative can’t help you with some of the more typical “new year’s resolutions” like quitting smoking or dropping those stubborn fifteen pounds, with our experience and expertise in online marketing, we’re certainly capable of helping your business position itself for a successful 2017.
So, if improving your online marketing strategy is one of your “resolutions” for the coming year, here are a few simple questions you can ask yourself to determine if your current strategy is up to date:
– Is your website mobile-friendly? With more and more people using mobile devices to access the Web, mobile responsive web design is a must. If your website is built for desktop users only, you’re losing out.
– Are you using social media to your advantage? A website alone isn’t enough. With a smart social media strategy, you can spread awareness of your brand and engage with customers in a way that you could never do with only a website.
– Are you budgeting for SEO? Search engine optimization is a key component of any online marketing strategy, but it’s not a one-time expense. Budgeting for SEO can have a big impact on your efforts to attract customers in an increasingly crowded online marketplace.
– Do you use digital video to promote your business? If not, you should. More businesses are using video to promote themselves online and it’s not hard to see why. Video is a highly shareable medium that is terrific at conveying and evoking emotion, making it a valuable tool for online marketing.
If you found yourself answering “no” to any of these questions, then ask yourself one more – are you ready to make 2017 the year you take your online marketing strategy to the next level? If so, then we at Rosie’s Creative are here to help. Let’s put our heads together, and prepare your business for success in the new year, and in years to come.