“Social media is the ultimate equalizer. It gives a voice and a platform to anyone willing to engage.” – Amy Jo Martin
Social Media Marketing

Be Where the People Are
In marketing, we often say you need to, “find where the people are and bring your business to them.” It’s not enough to just wait and hope that your target audience will discover you. Your business needs to be proactive in its own growth by discovering new ways of expanding your brand and marketing reach. Now more than ever, it is vitally important to connect with your clients and court them.
Social Media Marketing is a fantastic way to reach out to your target audience in a personal way. It is a marketing medium that allows you to control and personalize almost every element of your brand online – from tone, to content, to design. Your brand can develop a personality and directly engage your customers, and you can measure the results of your campaigns in real time.
Don’t Get Overwhelmed
Because social media platforms are free to sign up, you can have as few or as many as you like – the trick is managing all of them. It’s important to create a consistent user experience for your audience online, so your branding appears seamless across multiple channels (your website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc). This seamless consistency allows you to express your marketing message and reinforce it with repetition.
It is the industry standard to maintain at least 3 social media platforms per brand or business. This allows your message to cover more ground and reach more of your target audience. Seems simple, right? Nope – the key is to target platforms that have the right demographic for your business and in a number that can be reasonably maintained with your resources. Just because the social media account is free, that doesn’t mean the time it takes to manage it is!
Strategy is What We Do
At Rosie’s Creative, we LOVE Social Media Marketing and the opportunities it presents. We can help you harness the power of these tools to nurture meaningful brand awareness and foster brand loyalty. Helping your business find the right platforms and the best strategy for using them is our specialty. We have several different social media packages, which can be tailored to suit the needs of your business, or let us create something unique for you.

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